It probably would have been appropriate if I had posted this on Opening Day, but since today is their home opener, I thought it would work and I made this today’s Brian Roberts Card of the Day. This little gem came to me from Wicked Ortega from
My Past Time…I Love It! as part of a gigantic package full of all kinds of cardboard goodies.

The card is from 2010 Topps Opening Day, card #182 of the Orioles All Star second baseman. Senor Ortega set me up with a bunch of Opening Day cards, all of the Rays I could ask for plus this card of B-Rob. I really don’t care for the pose that Topps picked for this one, but I will say that I love the Opening Day product.

One of the things that I hate about the hobby right now is that kids can’t afford to buy packs of cards. At 2 bucks a pack for 12 cards, Topps isn’t too bad, at just 99 cents per pack Opening Day is perfect! Its basically the same base set as regular Topps, but without most of the inserts.

That is why I don’t chase this set, but it is perfect for younger folks or people on a budget who aren’t concerned with inserts. It does inserts that are unique to TOD like the mascots series. If anyone has any cards from any year of Raymond the Rays mascot, I want them!

Anyway, yesterday I made a comment that I wished that Brian Roberts started the year on the disabled list so he could get his swing back before he returned to the Orioles lineup. I want to officially rescind that remark. Roberts had 2 hits last night including his first double of the year and a stolen base. I think he has found his timing. Roberts and the Orioles will open their season at home tonight. Roberts batting average stands at .143 as the O’s return to Maryland.

To go with the Opening Day theme I included a shot of Roberts’ first at-bat of the season and first time on-base when he reached on a fielder’s choice in the 9th. Thanks as always for the great card
Wicked! Thanks for reading.

I really need to think of a way to sign-off and conclude my posts here. Roberts fan out just doesn’t sound right…